
Article : Les USA américanistes, Cho, la tuerie de Virginia Tech et le reste du monde

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Virginia Tech sur Wikipédia marque le succès de l'information contributive

Lambrechts Francis


Deux heures après la fusillade sur le campus de Virginia Tech, le 16 avril, une page Wikipédia était créée et devenait la source d’information de milliers d’internautes et des plus grands médias…

Les vidéos, photos et chats des étudiants se sont retrouvés sur les plus grands sites d’information comme, ou “Une preuve flagrante du succès du contenu produit par les utilisateurs”, souligne Marguerite Moritz, professeur de journalisme international à l’université du Colorado.
Mais l’information la mieux organisée, en plus d’être entièrement conçue par des amateurs, se trouvait sur Wikipédia…

La tuerie de Virginia Tech sur Wikipédia marque le succès de l’information contributive, Cécile Grégoriades,,1-0@2-3236,36-902512@51-902525,0.html

A propos de Virginia Tech

Franck B


Il y a un article interessant sur le en date du 27 avril, à propos de certaines causes de cette tuerie.

Un extrait:

... Comprehensive NeuroScience (CNS) is a subsidiary of Big Pharma firm Eli Lilly, a company that has close financial links to the Bush family. As far as the federal government reporting to ABC News that Cho had no records in their systems concerning anti-depressant use, they failed to consider the records of CNS, which tracks those who have prescriptions for anti-depressants. If Cho’s drugs were legally prescribed, our sources say the records would be held by the CNS system. Patients who stop their anti-depressant drug use often become extremely violent, a condition known as “discontinuation syndrome.”

A number of school shooters were later discovered to be on legally-prescribed psychotropic drugs. Columbine High School shooter Eric Harris was on Luvox; Springfield, Oregon high school shooter Kip Kinkle was on Prozac; and Conyers, Georgia shooter T. J. Solomon was on Ritalin.

Cho would have been tracked in his anti-depressant drug use if his prescriptions were legal.

The United States: Gun Violence Capital of the World, John Rosenthal

Lambrechts Francis


Given the virtually unregulated access to guns in the US, it’s actually surprising that there aren’t more than 80-90 gun deaths and 200-300 injuries everyday. There are an average of 30,000 gun deaths and 100,000 gun injuries each year. The average US annual firearm fatality rate is 10.6 per 100,000 population which is more than the entire industrialized world combined.

Since 1999 when the US experienced a 30 year low in violent crime, most US cities have experienced a dramatic increase in gun violence. The difference between then and now is that the gun lobby now dictates national gun policy, ...

... Massachusetts has enacted the most effective gun violence prevention laws and initiatives in the Country and is among the top three states with the lowest firearm fatality rate in the US, it is an island surrounded by a sea of states where criminals can buy and sell an unlimited number of guns without even an ID or background check. To make matters worse in the last seven years the Federal government has not only turned a blind eye towards gun violence it has intentionally allowed easy access to guns and restricted law enforcement’s ability to prevent and prosecute criminals how use and traffic guns…