
Article : L’USAF ne lit plus le New York Times, le Guardian, Le Monde, etc.

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Si je comprends bien, malgré toute leur bonne volonté, ils sont moins efficace que les chinois.. :-)

Soldats US : interdit de lire dans les journeaux américains les rapports qu'ils ont rédigé en service

Francis Lambert


“[U.S. forces in Iraq have] not blocked any news websites from being read. Because of the Wikileaks release of secret documents and their easy availability on the web, USF-I has posted a warning page NIPRNet computers go to first. This page simply warns the user that the website they are about to view may contain classified documents and that such documents should not be viewed, downloaded, or distributed on NIPR computers. There is a button at the bottom of this warning page that then allows the user to go to the website.”

The feds have clearly lost it. Many of those soldiers receiving the warnings have security clearances that would have granted them access to the State Department cables before they were leaked.

NB : les mensonges de Bush, Blair, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Powell etc sont en diffusion libre sans aucune restriction ... au prix de milliers de morts américains, de dizaines de milliers d’autres.

Le mensonge est d’ailleurs une stratégie de recrutement du Pentagone :
“Top 10 Lies (Some) Recruiters Tell. Bad Recruiting” By Rod Powers