
Article : Notes sur la sécurité en Europe, en 2010

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La securite, ça avance, mais en douce...



Erdogan: Turkey and Russia determined to become strategic partners
Turkey is determined to sign a contract on strategic cooperation with Russia, Turkish PM Erdogan told Sabah commenting on the results of his Moscow visit. Erdogan told that Russia and Turkey are on the eve of setting strategic cooperation.

“We plan to sign a contract on our strategic cooperation during Dmitry Medvedev’s visit to turkey as we had the same experience with Syria and Iraq. Russia has already signed similar papers with Germany and France; Germany and France also have mutual contracts. Now it’s high time for Turkey.”

Commenting on energy cooperation with Russia, Erdogan stated that energy factor is to change much. Erdogan told that some disagreements particularly on “Blue stream” gas pipeline made the sides hold serious negotiations.

“It might happen that we sign a new gas contract. We’ve negotiated over disposition of meat products (fish, poultry), Russian side is determined to buy 500 000 tones of meat,” Turkish PM said.
Changing of visa regime between Turkey and Russia has been one of highlights in the negotiations. Erdogan told that both Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin hailed the idea and the soonest activities were resumed. “That issue has been always in our agenda and our businessmen have been waiting for some changes. Old visa regime creates difficulties in tourism field, in international freight transportation, etc. Russian President will most probably visit Turkey in May or June. We recommended organizing of Turkish-Russian business council in the framework of his visit, where visa regime changes will be discussed.” That was our initiative and we hope that we’ll get some changes. That will create improved terms for advancing tourism between Turkey and Russia.

“Nabucco” under threat?
“Nabucco Gas Pipeline GmbH” managing director Reinhard Mitschek declared at briefing in Budapest that financing of the project is endangered and the process of getting loans is even more difficult, Azerbaijani media reported.
It’s said that the pipeline 3 thousand km long is assessed $11.8 billion. The consortium planed to apply to international financial organizations and agencies to get loans. But the project is put under suspect in Europe.
European countries having significant roles as Germany, France and Italy suspect the implementation of the project. Note that Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan haven’t yet confirmed their participation to the project.
Expert say the project has little chances to be committed.


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La guerre de Troie n’aura pas lieu


Le contentement de soi dont font preuve aujourd’hui les pays riches et ceux qui veulent clairement le devenir, BRIMAC compris (Brésil, Russie, Inde, Mexique, Afrique du Sud, Chine) est assez surprenant. Il continue d’être fondé sur l’éloge de la réussite de l’Occident (les Lumières, la Raison, la liberté d’entreprendre…) et de celle du capitalisme actuel (la science, les techniques, l’innovation, l’ingéniérie… et aussi le libéralisme et le laisser-faire).—————
——————La disproportion entre la cause et les effets est et sera probablement le caractère majeur d’une crise systémique de style nouveau. Il a suffi en octobre 2008 de quelques misérables milliards de dollars imprudents de bulle immobilière et financière (200 à 300 à peine) pour que se déclenche une crise de type 1929. C’est assez ridicule.————————
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Animateur(s)/auteur(s) du sujet : Pierre Gentelle
Date de publication: 10 janvier