Galiléo n’est pas le JSF.
Galiléo a un intérêt évident.
On n’a jamais promis que Galiléo serait une chose merveilleuse et indispensable, solution ultime pour les 50 prochaines années…
Ensuite, on n’a pas fait Galiléo.
On n’a pas lancé le projet pour ensuite rogner sur les phases de tests.
On n’a pas non plus racketter les clients et raconté des conneries lénifiantes pour leur dire plus tard qu’ils fallait qu’ils payent encore, et encore…
Nul n’est a l’abri d’un échec industriel.
Gérer un projet, c’est également gérer des risques.
Or, on a l’impression que le seul fait qu’il soit américain et international a fait croire aux clients que les risques s’étaient levés d’eux mêmes…
Pourquoi le JSF est un cas d’école?
Parce que sans être un proche des responsables de Lockeed Martin, sans connexion directe au projet ou d’amis hauts placés, et malgré une campagne de presse naturellement “unilatérale”, délirante de confiance et de superlatifs pour qualifié le projet du siècle, et bien on savait déjà, et on le verra encore bientôt:
ce projet est une catastrophe dans tous ses aspects.
DID a aussi réagit à larticle de TIME :
Chose intéressante, outre le constat coutumier que le V-22 est une nullité exorbitante, cest la résistance incroyable du projet, attaqué dès lorigine ou pas loin, déjà passé dans moult mains militaires et politiques qui cherchaient à létrangler Les états major et les administrations passent, le V-22 reste, jusqu’à lapothéose du déploiement opérationnel, en Irak.
A croire que le chiffre 22 est maudit !
Reste à savoir si les généraux US sen serviront de manière raisonnée (comme poulailler transportable ou machine à étendre le linge) ou si ils pousseront la connerie jusquau bout. Dans cette dernière éventualité, nous le saurons par les journaux, tôt ou tard !
En effet, un assassin solitaire et lunatique trouvera bien une façon de lui loger 3 balles magiques en moins de 3 secondes avec un fusil non automatique…
En quelque sorte, comme le dit le proverbe shadok :
“Plus ça rate et plus on a de chances que ça marche”
bien d’autres proverbes pourraient d’ailleurs s’appliquer à la situation sur-réaliste de fin de règne et d’empire :
Vous parlez fort bien du JSF, certes. Vous voyez en l’échec possible de ce programme la faillite de l’“américanisme”.
Mais quid de de son pendant européen? Par exemple, prennons le cas de Galileo… Un programme pourtant moins coûteux, mais stratégiquement plus important.
Et s’il s’agissait du fait suivant: l’économie de marché est imcapable d’accoucher de grands projets (Apollo, Ariane, TGV, etc. etc.) , mais simplement de pomper ce qui a été créer auparavant…
French arms deal with Pakistan risks US ire
By Federico Bordonaro
The news last month that Pakistan is likely to get French air-to-air missiles (AAMs) and radar for its JF-17 fighter aircraft has raised some eyebrows in the US.
The reason is that MICA AAMs produced by MBDA and RC-400 multimission radar built by Thales may enrich China’s rapidly growing military capabilities if sold to Pakistan, since Islamabad is developing its fighter plane jointly with Beijing. The JF-17 is a lightweight multi-role fighter co-developed by Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) and Chengdu Aircraft Industry Corporation under a joint venture of China and Pakistan.
Thus, some observers say, the widely debated European Union arm systems ban against China may finally be circumvented, in such a way that it could damage US efforts to keep Beijing’s air power at disadvantage vis-a-vis Taiwan. As some Indian and Pakistani sources have pointed out, French-built Mirage fighters owned by Taiwan are actually equipped with such missiles and radar.
Taiwan and India are obviously concerned with China’s military build-up. If China gets the chance to closely look at French advanced technology in possession of Taipei, Beijing could theoretically become capable of countering it effectively.
However, it must be noted that the issue of military technology transfer is fairly complicated, and that Pakistan’s acquisition of French systems is not automatically a dramatic reinforcement of Chinese capabilities, unlike some reports suggest.
In fact, if French companies sell radar and missiles to Pakistan, they don’t sell the know-how necessary to build such systems from scratch. Clearly, bits of the source code needed to integrate the components into the JF-17 will be transferred by the French to the Pakistanis. Missile-radar integration and avionics will be developed by France and Pakistan, with the Chinese contribution focused on hardware.
This means that if Pakistan transfers such code to Beijing, China could actually become capable of integrating the two systems into its fighter jets (like the J-10), although it will not include the JF-17 in its air force. But it does not mean that Beijing will be able to produce such systems.
Therefore, the key variable here is how many MICAs and RC-400s France sells to Pakistan. Of course, if Islamabad buys new series of them after the first acquisition, it is conceivable that China could get its hand on them in the future, independently of the JF-17 development.
Rumors of the deaL
It is certainly no secret that France has eyed Indian and Pakistani defense markets as a great opportunity to expand its strong military-industrial sector. For years, French companies have provided weapons and systems to both Delhi and Islamabad. However, the deal regarding the JF-17 has been a difficult one, mainly for political-diplomatic reasons. This explains the lack of information from France and the extreme cautiousness in all aspects of the current arrangements.
After some leading British and US publications highlighted the danger of sensitive military technology transfer to China via Pakistan, officials from MBDA and Thales refused to comment on the deal. France’s Defense Minister Herve Morin subtly conveyed the Paris position nonetheless, as he replied to Associated Press journalists that “to my knowledge, there is no arms embargo for Pakistan”.
Back in September 2004, Jane’s Defence Weekly’s special correspondent Robert Sae-Liu reported that the choice of a multimode pulse-Doppler radar for the JF-17 fighter was reported in 2003 as “involving a competition between Phazotron of Russia with the Kopyo system, Galileo (FIAR) of Italy with the Grifo S-7, and Thales of France with the RC 400”.
Hence, a short history of the JF-17 project unveils Thales’ interest. The simple fact that two French companies are involved in the issue worries the US. Paris has long lobbied within the EU for lifting of the arms embargo against Beijing imposed by Europe after the 1989 Tienanmen incident.
Most French Gaullists and Socialists have pushed for a lifting of the ban. The reason is twofold. On one hand, the French defense industry is aggressively seeking expansion in Asia’s markets, and China is arguably the most interesting of them. On the other hand, Paris cultivates the geopolitical ambition of creating a multipolar world in which the EU will progressively acquire strategic autonomy from the United States.
However, President Nicolas Sarkozy’s election in May 2007 has started an apparently rapid and powerful rapprochement between Paris and Washington on a number of issues. Interestingly, some French analysts who deal with so-called “economic warfare” dynamics have recently criticized France’s pro-China orientation. They have even lambasted civilian air industry deals with Beijing made by Airbus, reasoning that French companies that only seek market opportunities will eventually jeopardize European technological superiority over China.
Up until this year, though, Washington has successfully counter-lobbied France’s efforts to persuade its EU partners about the anachronism of the embargo, and the ban is still valid despite numerous predictions of its imminent demise. Now, Sino-Pakistani military cooperation, which is likely to remain strong also in light of the growing US-Indian strategic partnership, could complicate the situation even more.
Washington furious?
While on the surface the Franco-American reconciliation is fully underway, the reality is slightly more complicated. Paris’ hard, pro-US stance on Iran’s nuclear issue is one thing; another matter is how France and the US perceive the international system and balance of power.
Sarkozy’s position on the arms ban against Beijing will possibly become clearer after the French president visits Beijing later this year, but it is unlikely that France will completely abandon its dream of a more assertive and autonomous Europe when it comes to security and defense policy.
Quoted by the Pakistani daily Dawn on September 14, British defense analyst and Asia specialist Alexander Neill said that Washington may have a “quite vicious” reaction if France does not reconsider selling such systems to Islamabad.
However, according to various sources, France and Pakistan will likely reach an agreement on the missiles and radar. It is thus possible that China will be able to exploit yet another fault line in French and American diplomacy.
Whether or not the development of the JF-17 will allow China to acquire military systems and technology that will boost its power in relation to Taiwan, as the US fears, such a program will likely cause a dilemma for France: by proceeding with enhanced cooperation with Pakistan, Paris risks not only triggering Washington’s ire, but also upsetting India and Taiwan - thereby complicating its future defense marketing with two important buyers.
Federico Bordonaro is senior analyst with the Power and Interest News Report ( These views are his own.
(Copyright 2007 Asia Times Online Ltd. All rights reserved. Please contact us about sales, syndication and republishing.)
Misanthrope modéré
Oui mais ce retour à un certain protectionnisme se fait surtout sous la pression des “fonds souverains” en provenance de Chine et des pays du Moyen-Orient, des pays refusant “nos valeurs”.
L’Allemagne de Merkel accepte donc de se préoccuper de cette question, mais il reste à savoir si elle comprend cela comme un protectionnisme prenant pour base l’Europe ou “l’Occident/le monde libre”, c’est-à-dire le bloc Europe/USA. Car Merkel est favorable à une zone de libre échange Europe-Amérique du Nord, comme vous l’avez, je crois, mentionné.
Par conséquent, que Sarkozy veuille tirer parti de cette évolution pour promouvoir l’Europe-puissance (ce qui supposerait déjà qu’il lève son ambiguité identitaire - j’entend par là qu’il choisisse entre son tropisme atlantiste et une sensibilité plus franco- ou euro-centrée) cela n’écarterait pas forcément tous les obstacles à l’émergence de Europe-puissance “à la Française”.
Cela dit, ce serait déjà une défaite pour l’Occident d’avouer de la sorte (en se “protégeant”) qu’il est sur une position défensive. Ce serait reconnaître qu’il n’est pas nécessairement le pôle autour duquel le monde se rassemble, dans l’adhésion aux valeurs démocratiques universelles.
Dommage, comme le remarquait Hubert Védrine, que l’Europe ne semble pas profiter du monde multipolaire dont elle espérait tant l’émergence.
Vous devriez parler d’un des sujets les plus récurrents de Ron Paul: son insistance à dénoncer le Pouvoir financier lié à la Fed!
Sur ce sujet particulier, il tape fort et brise des tabous redoutables.
Il est le premier - et à ma connaissance le seul des personalités politiques US - à avoir abordé cet accaparemment fondamental de la souveraineté de la monnaie, réclamé la dissolution de la Fed, etc..
Et ça, c’est totalement révolutionnaire!
J’ai lu que Kennedy avait préparé un texte allant dans ce sens, peu de temps avant son assassinat.. De là à faire le lien, il n’y a qu’un pas qu’on peut ètre tenté de franchir!
Vous avez pratiquement sur tous les sites et blogs d’analyse financière des articles et bannières de soutien à Paul -et ça, depuis un moment
Il n’est ni le seul ni le premier sur la toile à dénoncer les manips faites avec le système de la monnaie, mais c’est véritablement le seul en tant qu’homme politique à le faire ouvertement. Et pas qu’aux US..
Allez jeter un oeil sur un site comme:
c’est éclairant!
A Aurélien,
A mon avis, la démocratie n’existe nulle part sauf dans l’espace imaginaire d’individus libres et conscients de l’être. Encore moins n’existe t-elle aux Etats-Unis. Dans ce pays, la substance de la gouvernance n’est pas démocratique mais oligarchique. La démocratie prise en tant que vertu n’est dans ce cas de figure utilisée que comme paravent et accéssoire à la consolidation d’une certaine paix sociale,somme toute fragile.
En rapport avec l’armement de pointe style JSF, une autre affaire relevée par le Time américain: le V-22 Osprey. Sous le titre “l’Osprey: une honte volante”, l’article décrit ce mi-avion, mi-hélico comme inéfficace au combat(“lacking firepower”) et dangereux en matière de décollage/attérissage, en plus d’avoir coûté 20 milliars de dollars US et d’être envoyé en Irak ce mois-ci.
Lire aussi:
La couv’du Time:
Pour les couches tard, un documentaire le 17 octobre à 03h00 de Alex Gibney sur ARTE, intitulé “Un taxi pour l’enfer”, où il est question des méthodes extrêmes, qu’ont utilisé et légalisé les USA dans leur lutte contre le terrorisme : légalisation de la torture, détenus sans jugements ni droits, emprisonnement et assassinat d’innocents, lois de l’administration Bush afin de se prémunir d’éventuelles poursuites judicaires.
René M.
” Et puis, tout à coup, les résultats tangibles et visibles disparaissent, emportés par lexplosion inattendue des réactions et des tumultes invisibles. La métaphysique triomphe sur la physique. Le drame se répète depuis le commencement des temps, toujours le même et toujours si surprenant, que chaque fois il paraît inédit.”
Je ne reproduis ici que la dernière partie de cette magnifique citation de Guglielmo Ferrero que vous nous offrez,
Et tellement ” Maistrienne” !
ou alors je n’ai rien appris en fréquentant ce site ?
Curieuse phrase du ministre iranien des affaires étrangères, à propos de la France:
“The Islamic republic of Iran will legally confront the illogical stances and words of some French officials,”
“La position et les mots de CERTAINS représentants français”
Plus loin:
“Mottaki criticized Paris for providing the United States of “opportunities to gain political advantage”.
“France cannot continue this policy in the future and its interests are definitely not in line with the political objectives of America,” Mottaki said.”
Iran warns France over nuclear stance
Hanan Awarekeh Readers Number : 143
Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki
07/10/2007 Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki warned France on Sunday over what he labeled its “illogical” position after Paris urged tough action against Tehran’s nuclear program.
“The Islamic republic of Iran will legally confront the illogical stances and words of some French officials,” Mottaki was quoted as saying by the ISNA news agency, although he did not elaborate on what action it would take.
French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner angered Tehran last month when he said the world had to prepare for war over Iran’s atomic drive, and has been pushing fellow European states to adopt their own sanctions on Tehran. Mottaki criticized Paris for providing the United States of “opportunities to gain political advantage”.
“France cannot continue this policy in the future and its interests are definitely not in line with the political objectives of America,” Mottaki said.
Last week, Kouchner proposed that in parallel to UN Security Council sanctions against Iran, the Europeans should consider their own additional measures, although he has since denied France was toughening its stance.
Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Hosseini was quoted as saying by state television that Mottaki planned to respond to Kouchner’s comments in a letter to his EU counterparts. World powers agreed last month to wait for reports due in November from the International Atomic Energy Agency and EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana before deciding whether to submit a new sanctions resolution to the UN Security Council.
Hosseini also said that Iran will hold a new round of talks with UN atomic watchdog officials on Tuesday as part of its agreement to answer questions about its nuclear drive.
“The next round of the Islamic republic’s talks with the International Atomic Energy Agency will be held on Tuesday, October 9 during the trip to Tehran by an agency delegation,” he was quoted as saying.
The IAEA and Iran reached an agreement in August for Tehran to provide answers to outstanding questions over its nuclear program including plutonium experiments as well as P1 and P2 centrifuges.
When asked whether P1 and P2 centrifuges would be part of the talks, Hosseini said: “These issues will be also discussed.”
Iran has been seeking to develop advanced P2 centrifuges which are capable of enriching uranium more efficiently than the P1 technology it currently uses. Earlier this month, IAEA chief Mohamed El-Baradei urged Iran to provide key details on its nuclear program by late November, warning that its unwillingness to work with the international community will “backfire”.
The major powers, split over whether to impose further sanctions against Iran, said last week that they would wait for Solana’s report and another from El-Baradei before deciding what action to take. Iran denies claims by the US that it is trying to build a bomb, saying that its nuclear program is aimed at generating fuel for its growing population.
Dominique Larchey-Wendling
Jean-Claude hENRY
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