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The anointing of Wikileaks

Article lié : Hey Joe ! Panique à bord

Stephane Eybert


The one thing that matters most here, is not this massive leak. No. The thing that just happened is the anointing of Wikileaks as an accepted player in the media circus. See, before that, Wikileaks was not considered. It had no say in the news cycle. Now, its voice is listened to. And this, is far more important than any leaks they gave. Because, it forces the main stream media to relay what it publishes. Why, we could even one day have something on, say, 9/11 ? :-)

Tapuscrit via Le

Article lié : Journal de bord – 290310, le deuxième souffle

Francis Lambert


Il a donc fourni un tapuscrit au site Le qui en a assuré l’impression, la coordination et la diffusion, ce qui est sa vocation. Les droits ? Environ 40% pour l’auteur et le reste pour l’imprimeur, le routeur et le diffuseur. Le livre est sorti le 1er décembre. On cherche en vain les articles qui lui auraient été consacrés, mais @rrêt sur images lui assure sa publicité.

A ce jour, en un peu plus de deux semaines, 13 000 exemplaires en ont été vendus par le biais exclusif et direct de Publieur et ce n’est qu’un début, nous a confirmé son directeur Jean-Marc Savoye.

Car le livre ne se vend pas en librairie, n’y ayant pas été distribué. Nul n’empêche un libraire de se le procurer en bénéficiant de la remise habituelle pour le mettre en rayon ; mais vérification faite, moins de dix commandes de libraires ont été enregistrées.

Il n’est certes pas le premier :

Mais l’impact, le sujet, la rapidité, l’efficacité font que le cas vaut d’être médité.

Extraits de

NB : ne pas rater cet article “Souvenirs effarés d’un Huron retour du Sarkozistan”
Et un lire un chapitre sur

"Eagle Guardian" ... NATO planned confrontation with Russia (wikileaks)

Article lié : Ashton style WikiLeaks songerait-elle à exister ?

Francis Lambert


( - Sarkozy contre Chirac ... donc “POUR” la guerre en Irak)
A memo approved in 2005 by William Leach, then U.S. ambassador to Paris, deals with French opposition to the war declared against Iraq two years previously. Leach takes comfort in learning that the anti-war stance of then president Jacques Chirac was not supported by some prominent members of Chirac’s own party (...)

De Charette, according to the memo, called Chirac’s position on the war “embarrassing”. Giving the impression that he was speaking on behalf of Nicolas Sarkozy (...)

( - Britain & Dutch diplomats ... U.S. “eyes and ears” ... plus servants)
Another cable from 2005 pinpoints Britain and the Netherlands as the most trusted U.S. allies in western Europe. (...) Sobel says that the Dutch helped “push back” plans by France and Germany to develop a European military capability that could act independently of NATO, a U.S.-dominated alliance.

Furthermore, the cable celebrates the willingness of Dutch diplomats to act as “eyes and ears” for the U.S.

He applauds the Dutch, too, for providing “early logistic support” for the war in Iraq by allowing the U.S. military to pass through Rotterdam, when it was unable to use other European ports for that purpose. (...)

“As a Caribbean power, the Dutch have good reasons to lead an effort to balance traditional Spanish dominance on Latin American issues in the EU, but the U.S. and others will need to push them to take this role,”

( - U.S. nuclear weapons in european Nations)
Two decades after the Cold War was widely assumed to have ended, the cables show that at least 200 U.S. nuclear weapons remain on European soil. Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and Turkey

( - NATO is planning for a confrontation with Russia)
In addition, the cables appear to offer proof that NATO is planning for a confrontation with Russia. A document from January 2010 shows that the alliance approved a plan during that month to expand an operation known as Eagle Guardian, under which preparations would be made for fighting with Russia in Poland and the three Baltic states (Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia).

( - NATO enlargement despite promises of the U.S. secretary of state )
This (NATO) enlargement occurred despite promises made to Moscow by James Baker, the U.S. secretary of state from 1989 to 1992, that NATO would not expand eastwards. (...)

“NATO’s new members on the Baltic Sea are delivering on the demands imposed upon them by accession to the alliance,” he added. “They host NATO - particularly U.S. - troops, bases, warplanes, warships and missiles. They provide troops for wars far abroad. They supply training opportunities on the ground and in the air for the war in Afghanistan and for future conflicts with none of the restrictions that exist in North America and Western Europe. And they render those multiple services near Russia’s western border.”

Yours Obediently, Europe - By David Cronin

Virtualisme économique versus écologique ... virtualisme flip-flop ?

Article lié : Notes sur le virtualisme (dde.crisis)

Francis Lambert


1. Virtualism: a new political economy By James G. Carrier, Daniel Miller (first edited 1998)

Contributors show how economics has come to portray a virtual reality - a world that seems real but is merely a reflection of a neo-classical model - and how governments, the World Bank and the IMF combine to stamp the world with a virtual image that condemns as irrational our local social and cultural arrangements. Further, it is argued that virtualism represents the worrying emergence of new forms of abstraction in the political economy, of which economics is just one example.

Lecture en ligne :

NB : ...  aussi

2. Virtualism, governance and practice: vision and execution in environmental conservation
Berghahn Books, 2009

Many people investigating the operation of large-scale environmentalist organizations see signs of power, knowledge and governance in their policies and projects. This collection indicates that such an analysis appears to be justified from one perspective, but not from another. The chapters in this collection show that the critics, concerned with the power of these organizations to impose their policies in different parts of the world, appear justified when we look at environmentalist visions and at organizational policies and programs. However, they are much less justified when we look at the practical operation of such organizations and their ability to generate and carry out projects intended to reshape the world.

NB: Depuis 1950 on a vu l’émergence de l’environmentalisme (l’écologie) qui n’est pas qu’une manière de penser mais c’est traduit en actes et organisations : une expression institutionelle qui impose un autre ordre au monde et ses habitants. Cette approche intellectuelle va dans la mauvaise direction car elle est partiale. etc…

Le virtualisme utilisé comme un concept flip-flop que chacun peut s’envoyer à la figure ?

Le tonneau des Danaïdes

Article lié : Puisque “le Système est un bloc”…

Schlachthof 5


Le résumé en musique du Cablegate :

Sous-titres français

Sur TheJuiceMedia ( média indépendant australien affilié à Indymedia

Converger sans s'aligner

Article lié : Cablegate et “transparence”… Allons-y !

Laurent Demaret


De lien en lien en suivant celui de Stéphane Eybert on tombe sur un des “câbles” de l’ambassade US à Paris concernant notre sémillant ministre des affaires étrangères peu après son arrivée aux dites affaires. Il a pour référence 07PARIS3919 et une recherche Google sur les pages en français ne ramène que 4 résultats. À croire que cela n’intéresse pas notre presse hexagonale.
Bien sûr on apprend rien, sauf qu’on voit noir sur blanc des choses qu’on ne pouvait que pressentir..

The Deleuzian Philosophy of Julian Assange

Article lié : Puisque “le Système est un bloc”…

Internaute Anonyme


Wikileaks ... Youtube de Taiwan (sous titres anglais)

Article lié : Puisque “le Système est un bloc”…

Francis Lambert


intéressante vision chinoise basée sur une “peoplelisation” caricaturale, quelle qualité d’animation !  (avec Sarah Palin)

L'article original d'Assange (pdf) ... plus extraits de SON blog

Article lié : Puisque “le Système est un bloc”…

Francis Lambert


State and Terrorist Conspiracies
me @ (... NB: était un blog de Julian Assange )
November 10, 2006
“Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul this unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of statesmanship. (President Theodore Roosevelt)

To radically shift regime behavior we must think clearly and boldly for if we
have learned anything, it is that regimes do not want to be changed. We must
think beyond those who have gone before us, and discover technological changes
that embolden us with ways to act in which our forebears could not.
Firstly we must understand what aspect of government or neocorporatist
behavior we wish to change or remove. Secondly we must develop a way of
thinking about this behavior that is strong enough carry us through the mire of
politically distorted language, and into a position of clarity. Finally must use
these insights to inspire within us and others a course of ennobling, and effective

Extraits de

D’autres extraits de son blog (avec photos)
76 billets écrits entre le 8 Juin 2006 et le 29 août 2007

Extraits de “Pour ceux qui aiment le Net” :

Tout a été dit mais personne n’écoute – Jean Cocteau
... car personne ne traduit ... rien trouvé en français ! C’est dire l’état du système de “communication” francophone ... même pas d’accès aux sources pour les non-anglophones (pensez à l’handicap global vis à vis de la Russie, l’Indes, la Chine où nous dépendons des traductions anglaises ... le pire étant que les francophones n’en sont quasi pas conscient et croient même être informés !)

leaks ... nihil nove sub sole ? rapidité, quantité, diffusion

Article lié : Puisque “le Système est un bloc”…

Francis Lambert


Progressive Publishes Hydrogen Bomb Design 1979,  ... $1.50


THE “SECRET” REVEALED by Erwin Knoll .... 1
The front cover of this magazine has been designed for the april 1979 issue. Only the date has been changed. (...)
For more than six month - from March 9, when federal District Judge Robert W. Warren issued,  at the Government’s request, a temporary restraining order barring publication of Morland’s article thru (...)

THE H-BOMB SECRET by Howard Morland .... 3
To know how is to ask why.


Effet wikileaks ?

Article lié : Cablegate et “transparence”… Allons-y !



Et maintenant le jeu

Article lié : Cablegate et “transparence”… Allons-y !

Stephane Eybert


Cablegate: The Game is a game where players can read, tag and summarize the recently released US Embassy Cables. Points are awarded for finding the most tags in a cable.

Coquille recollée... à regret

Article lié : Cablegate et “transparence”… Allons-y !

Philippe Grasset


“Antidiote” est redevenu “antidote”, mais jamais coquille si parfaitement lapsus et si complètement lapsus révélateur ne fut corrigée avec tant de regret… PhG


Article lié : Cablegate et “transparence”… Allons-y !



Le lapsus “antidiote” (à propos du virtualisme US/UE) est savoureux.

Attaque de Bank of America cloture son client Wikileaks : gain très limité , risque de perte 100%

Article lié : Cablegate et “transparence”… Allons-y !

Francis Lambert


” America’s biggest mortgage lender, and the firm that is now getting sued left and right for various mortgage transgressions, announced it is joining MasterCard, Paypal and Visa in ceasing transactions for Wikileaks.  (...) 

BofA’s upside is very limited while its downside could be 100% - even if Wikileaks is bluffing, why provoke them. And as expected, Wikileaks has already retaliated: in two sequential tweets it advised its 568,117 (and very rapidly growing) subscribers to pull their money out of Bank of America, and also to close all their accounts with the firm, urging them to put their money “somewhere safer. (...)

“In retaliation to BofA’s provocation, it appears that Assange just fired the preliminary shot in the massive run on Bank of America… and possible soon other US banks?”

Extrait de

NB : dans l’état pitoyable de l’immobilier et les risques sur leur bilan ! Faut il qu’ils soient bien surs d’être de nouveau sauvé par l’état pour prendre un risque aussi grand en empêchant les relativement petites transactions de wikileaks.

Ca semble de plus en plus la panique chez les banksters ! Pauvre Euronext qui a fusionné avec ces marchés financiers ... ben juste avant, question d’être bien sur d’en profiter profondément.