
Article : Relations Russie-USA sur “liste noire”

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Putin Hits Back And He Doesn't Miss - moonofalabama



Le choix de John Yoo et de 2 garde-chiourmes en chef de Guantanamo n’est pas mal vu.

Putin Hits Back And He Doesn’t Miss

In an international spat between Washington and Moscow this Russian response to U.S. measures will be widely applauded:
Russia on Saturday named 18 Americans banned from entering the country in response to Washington imposing sanctions on 18 Russians for alleged human rights violations.
The list released by the Foreign Ministry includes
John Yoo, a former U.S. Justice Department official who wrote legal memos authorizing harsh interrogation techniques;
David Addington, the chief of staff for former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney;
and two former commanders of the Guantanamo Bay detention center: retired Maj. Gen. Geoffrey Miller and Adm. Jeffrey Harbeson.