
Article : “Sarah who?” est évidemment “Sarah hawk

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Faire face au "défi transcendantal" (sic)

Francis Lambert


La photo de Sarah Palin adossée à la peau de l’ours abattu est déjà transcendante :
ce couple du chasseur et sa proie à la gueule virtuellement menaçante semble lui-même la proie d’un Crabe Rouge en abîme au premier plan !

Titre : La différence entre Sarah Palin et les fondamentalistes musulmans, c’est le rouge à lèvres

Sarah imprévue ... depuis juin 2007 ?

Francis Lambert


Neoconservatives plan Project Sarah Palin to shape future American foreign policy. By Tim Shipman

Comments by the governor of Alaska in her first television interview, in which she said Nato may have to go to war with Russia and took a tough line on Iran’s nuclear programme, were the result of two weeks of briefings by neoconservatives.

Sources in the McCain camp, the Republican Party and Washington think tanks say Mrs Palin was identified as a potential future leader of the neoconservative cause in June 2007.

... Mr McCain’s chief foreign policy adviser, Randy Scheunemann, an influential neoconservative, wasted no time in briefing Mrs Palin. He quickly made Steve Biegun, a former number three on the National Security Council, her chief foreign policy adviser.
Steven Clemons, of the New American Foundation think tank in Washington, a chronicler of the ebb and flow of neocon power in the White House, bemoaned the appointment, saying Mr Biegun “will turn her into an advocate of Cheneyism and Cheney’s view of national-security issues.” ...