
Article : Sarko, ou l’homme des autres

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How should Mr. Obama deal with Russia's official president



Enfin un article bien venimeux sur Sarkozy, Medvedev,les européens, les russes, etc.. dans le Wall Street Journal. Et signé Sakarov pour ne rien gacher.
En peu de mots presque tout y est: Ils font ça pour le gaz et le pétrole, ils traitent avec des dictateurs, ils ne pensent qu’à leur intérêt, etc… Des vrais néo-cons en somme.

“Even as Barack Obama faces front-page issues like Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan, he will still have to find the time and courage to deal with a certain nuclear-armed autocracy that controls much of the world’s oil and gas”

“Last week Mr. Medvedev was in France to meet with the leaders of Europe. French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who is also the current European Union president, tripped over his tongue to ingratiate himself and to present himself as a great peacemaker.

Mr. Sarkozy proudly announced that Russia had “mostly completed” its obligations to resolve the conflict with Georgia. But there is no way to “mostly” accept a dictatorship.

Russia’s ruling elite has close allies among the European nations that Mr. Obama is expected to woo. I am far less concerned by Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s clownish remarks about Mr. Obama’s “suntan” than about the way he so eagerly rushes to defend the commercial and political interests of Mr. Putin’s clan.

Leaders like Messrs. Berlusconi and Sarkozy have no allegiance to the nation of Russia. Rather, they are defending Mr. Putin as a means to protect their personal and business relationships.
Will Mr. Obama’s desire to be the toast of Europe come at the expense of democracy in Russia? Mr. Obama must listen very carefully when European voices defend the Putin regime.
Nearly always there is the hiss of gas or the bubbling of oil in the background.”
