
Article : Soldes, discount, rabais... Avec le JSF, contre la vie chère!

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l'Iran, qui devient si fréquentable



Et en plus de Taiwan, qui en voudrait parait-il, on pourrait en vendre à l’Iran, qui devient si fréquentable:

Iran and NATO in first talks in 30 years:
Posted By: TOE, NEW YORK   2009-03-26 09:23:10

An Iranian diplomat and a NATO official have had “informal contact” for the first time in 30 years, holding discussions in Brussels about Afghanistan, NATO officials said.BRUSSELS – Iran and NATO have held their first talks since the Iranian revolution 30 years ago, officials at the military alliance said Thursday, in a new sign of a thaw in Tehran’s ties with the West.

At allied headquarters in Brussels last week, an Iranian diplomat and a senior NATO official had an “informal contact” focused on Iran’s neighbour Afghanistan, where the alliance is battling a stiff Taliban-led insurgency.

“The diplomat met with Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs and Security Policy Martin Erdmann,” chief NATO spokesman James Appathurai said.

“It was a first informal contact about the subject of Afghanistan,” he said, adding: “We have not yet programmed a second meeting.”

—ca va venir. Le yet laisse de l’espoir_ ...

A second NATO official said: “There were exploratory contacts recently. Nothing of substance was discussed. It was a first informal contact between an Iranian diplomat and a representative of the secretary general.”

Earlier Thursday, Iran confirmed that it would attend a major international meeting on Afghanistan in The Hague in the Netherlands next week.

"Viva la France" ? Chiche !

Les Raisins De la folie


On pourrait croire les américains très condescendant vis-à-vis des employés français qui séquestrent leur patron; et bien c’est peut être le contraire. 

A lire les commentaires des internautes sur CNN (l’article ci-dessus), une majorité d’entre eux semblent parfaitement comprendre ces gestes et, god bless america, vont même jusqu’a les admirer et les souhaiter aux USA.  Signe d’un climat insurrectionnel ? On verra.


” Congratulations to the French workers for their courage and humane way they’re treating their employers.”

“... if someone knows how to unite its the french.”

“Too bad workers in the US are too scared to protest horrible work conditions. “

“Were American workers to attempt this they would be killed by SWAT and National Guard. Those that survived would be charged with terrorism and shipped off to Guantanamo.”

“... this is exactly how low-wage workers should react, in my opinion. Not enough “big guys” here in America fight fot the “little guys” and most of the “little guys” are too scared and complacent to do anything about it. Viva la France!”

“Wonder how this would fly in the US. Imagine if the 6000 sun employee’s or 5000 IBM employees getting laid off bonded together. imagine the force they would have”

“Props to these fearless workers!!! If Americans learned to protest like people in other countries do, we might get some action that actually helps us. Instead, we just say “Oh, ok…you’re laying off 1000 of us…that sucks.” and scamper away with our tails between our legs.”

“Remember: When giant corporations the world’s entire population hostage 24/7/365, that’s good. When workers hold a few people from a giant corporation hostage for a few days, that’s bad. Western morals are really easy to understand”