
Article : Une secrétaire d’Etat maternelle (et amoureuse?) pour protéger le Président des réalités du monde

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Rice needs to do is show up in public with a man

Lambrechts Francis


Sometimes it has seemed that all Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice needs to do is show up in public with a man, and people start talking.  The latest diplomat being tied to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is Peter MacKay, Canada’s foreign minister. MacKay is single, sophisticated and considered the closest thing to eye candy on the diplomatic circuit.

...  Italy’s normally staid Corriere della Sera raised its eyebrows over a joint appearance in Rome between Italy’s similarly staid foreign minister, Massimo D’Alema, and Ms. Rice. In April, a headline in The Boston Globe promised a tale of “Jack and Condi: A Love Story,” after Ms. Rice gave the pullout bed aboard her plane to the former British foreign minister, Jack Straw, during a surprise trip to Baghdad from Blackpool, England, where she was visiting Mr. Straw’s hometown. ... ( )