
Article : Vision stratégique réduite aux acquêts

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Car un anglais quitte la "Grande" Bretagne toutes les 3 minutes

Francis Lambert


“... a whopping 11 million Brits are thinking of taking a job overseas within the next two years (...)
In 2007, 207,000 British citizens - one every three minutes - left the country and currency specialist Foreign Currency Direct has revealed that one in four working Brits are now looking to leave the country for sunnier climes and better job opportunities (... )

A fifth of people named Australia as their top choice; one in six selected the USA and one in ten chose New Zealand. Canada was also a popular choice.

“In the last year, Foreign Currency Direct has seen an 37 per cent increase in the number of clients transferring funds to Australia and the USA ...

NB : pour un pays blotti dans le souverainisme ... se fuir autant que l’UE c’est être anglais?